SQL Server – Check for running SQL Jobs

I like to run this against a server group in SSMS to check multiple servers at once.

SELECT  job.Name,
        DATEDIFF(MINUTE, activity.run_requested_Date, GETDATE()) AS ElapsedMinutes,
FROM    msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view job
JOIN    msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity activity
ON      job.job_id = activity.job_id
JOIN    msdb.dbo.syssessions sess
ON      sess.session_id = activity.session_id
JOIN    (
         SELECT MAX(agent_start_date) AS max_agent_start_date
         FROM   msdb.dbo.syssessions
        ) sess_max
ON      sess.agent_start_date = sess_max.max_agent_start_date
WHERE   run_Requested_date IS NOT NULL
        AND stop_execution_date IS NULL

Here is what I use to prevent one job from trying to restart another job.

EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_help_job @execution_status = 1,
 @job_aspect = 'JOB',
 @job_name = 'DBA - Daily Database Maintenance'

 PRINT 'Start job'
 PRINT 'Job already running ... Nothing to do'

Import Blogger blogs?

Does this work?


Not yet:

2008-08-03 19:27:13,968 DEBUG [BlogExporter.Core.PostParser] Parsing blog 4855217953238557838, post 4841212145285365256: Welcome.
2008-08-03 19:27:13,984 ERROR [BlogExporter.Console.Program] Error while exporting blog
BlogExporter.Core.ExportException: Value not not found: atom:content/text()
   at BlogExporter.Core.XPathResolver.GetValue(XPathNavigator node, String xpath, String defaultValue) in H:\Development\Blog\BlogExporter\BlogExporter.Core\XPathResolver.cs:line 55
   at BlogExporter.Core.PostParser.ParsePost(XPathNavigator blogPost) in H:\Development\Blog\BlogExporter\BlogExporter.Core\PostParser.cs:line 186


“Your login attempt was not successful. Please try again.”

I had the same issue with 1.4 — I'm running multiple instances of BlogEngine.NET on XP SP3 (1.3 upgraded to 1.4 + one new install) and had this issue trying to add my first local user.

The default web.config contain the same machineKey= value for both my BlogEngine.NET instances.

In your web.config look for this:
<machineKey validationKey="D9F7287 …

Replace the default machineKey with one from this site: http://aspnetresources.com/tools/keycreator.aspx
I can now add new users to both site instances.


Supported SQLCMD Syntax

Supported SQLCMD Syntax
Query editor supports the following SQLCMD script keywords:







:connect server[\instance] [-l login_timeout] [-U user [-P password]]

:on error [ignore|exit]

:error |stderr|stdout

:out |stderr|stdout

For both :error and :out, stderr and stdout send output to the messages tab.

SQLCMD commands not listed above are not supported in Query Editor. When a script containing SQLCMD keywords that are not supported is executed, the Query Editor will send an “Ignoring command ” message to the destination for each unsupported keyword. The script will execute successfully, but the unsupported commands will be ignored.

Because you are not starting SQLCMD from the command line, there are some limitations when running Query Editor in SQLCMD Mode. You cannot pass in command-line parameters such as variables, and, because the Query Editor does not have the ability to respond to operating system prompts, you must be careful not to execute interactive statements.