Powershell: Get all installed applications

Produce a nice output of our best guess at all the installed applications on a server or PC.

$ComputerName = 'SQLPROD'


# Get Software list for a 64-bit computer SOFTWARE
$remoteCommand = @"
Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* 

$scriptBlock = [Scriptblock]::Create($remoteCommand)
# Test 1
$Software1 = Invoke-Command  -Computername $ComputerName -Scriptblock $ScriptBlock

# Get Software list for a computer Wow6432Node
$remoteCommand = @"
Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* 

$scriptBlock = [Scriptblock]::Create($remoteCommand)
# Test 2
$Software2 = Invoke-Command  -Computername $ComputerName -Scriptblock $ScriptBlock

$ComputerSoftwareList = [Pscustomobject]@()
if ($Software1) {
    $ComputerSoftwareList += $Software1 | Sort-Object DisplayName
if ($Software2) {
    $ComputerSoftwareList += $Software2 | Sort-Object DisplayName

$OutGrid = $ComputerSoftwareList | 
    Sort-Object DisplayName |
        Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate -Unique  
$Global:seq = 1
$OutGrid | 
    Select-Object @{n=“Seq”; e={$Global:seq; $Global:seq++;}}, 
        @{n="Computer";e={"$ComputerName"}}, DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate |

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